Site-Specific Information Needed For Personal Protective Equipment

This document includes “site-specific” information pertaining to the training session on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This includes information and details that are specific only to your company or location. Since this information is specific it cannot be included in this video training program. However, this listing has been included to inform trainers of the most common questions for which they will need to provide site-specific information.

1. Contact persons – This training program will make reference to certain persons at your facility. The trainer should be familiar with the names or positions of the persons that are referenced, as well as how the employees can make contact with these persons. Some of these people include safety department personnel, hazard assessment personnel, human resources and employee trainers.

2. Locations – This training program will make reference to locations at your facility. The trainer should be familiar with and able to identify the safety department, human resource department, PPE storage facilities.

3. The trainer should be familiar with the OSHA standards regarding PPE (CFR 1910.132-138).

4. This training program will make reference to the company policy on Personal Protective Equipment. The trainer should be familiar with the policy and where it is located.

5. This training program discusses various forms of PPE. The trainer should know the types of PPE used at this facility and how to properly use them.

Additional site-specific information may be required at your workplace. Please be familiar with your subject matter and be ready to answer questions. It is always important that the trainer be knowledgeable about the subject of Personal Protective Equipment and that they understand how the company’s Personal Protective Equipment plan is implemented in their specific workplace.

Personal Protective Equipment Program #08-125